Wednesday, April 9, 2008

365 Days Later

Wow! It's been a long time since I wrote. So much to report! We're with bathroom! We're with kitchen! We're with new red oak stairs and recessed lighting . . .the list goes on. It's really quite amazing. Tomorrow will mark the anniversary of closing. I can't believe where a year has taken us. My husband is an absolute wiz at this stuff now. The progress is all due to him. I love that I'm married to a man who is literally building our home.

I'm still a helper monkey. I hold the flashlight, cut drywall, hand him tools, sweep up the messes. . . you know the deal. I love doing those things because there's not too much I can screw up!

My garden in the front is thriving- so many of the previous owner's tulips have popped back up. They're very nice. I'm excited about spring planting- I think I'll venture out to the little patch between the sidewalk and the street. It is in need of a little TLC.

I'm very excited for the next few months and for all of the work that will be accomplished. We will start working on the backyard in the coming weeks. I can't wait for that. It's going to be such a great addition to the house. We're so happy about the place. It's all coming together. 2008 has blessed us.

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