Friday, April 13, 2007

Settlement Day

After many months of intense searching, my dear husband and I finally found our home. A perfect row house in Washington, DC. When I say 'perfect' I mean perfect for us. It's a place that needed a tremendous amount of TLC. We wouldn't have wanted it any other way. It's old, it smells like moth balls, there's no dishwasher. There are plaster walls with such bad patch jobs that it looks as though the wall may give birth---I kid you not, a wall in bedroom #2 has a belly. None of this scared us. We have the vision! We know what possibilities this place possesses! was in our price range.

So settlement day finally came--it was this past Monday. This is our first house, so our first time at the settlement table. There were 8 people in the room and only two of us were signing papers. It wasn't as bad as 'they' say- in and out within an hour. Back to the house to change locks. Our first project; we couldn't wait to get started.
4 hours later, we had successfully changed three locks!

Every night after work we head to the house to do a little more. I've become very skilled with a pry bar, a cordless drill, and a sledge hammer. I highly recommend that all those who deal with frustration at the office head to Home Depot and get a sledge hammer, go home, and start banging stuff up! Demolition is great, it's the renovation part that takes a little more skill.

I plan on using this blog as my online journal; a way to chronicle these stories so that one day, (6-10 months from now) if there are still holes in the walls and unfinished plaster patches, I can remember how exciting it was in the beginning. I can't wait to see what we create.

1 comment:

KAP said...

Awwwww, I cant wait to see the before and after. Hey Rosie for your housing warming I'm getting you a red bandana and a first aid kit.